Thank you for the feedback. The main issues people found with our sequence were:
- The length of the kill scene. Many of our peers found it to be too long and this took away some of the shock value. By shortening it and making it 'short and sharp' we can increase the impact of the shots. This is extremely useful feedback for us as these shots are amongst the most important in our sequence. By increasing the effectiveness of these shots we will improve our sequence as a whole.
- The lack of a soundtrack/other audio effects. This is not a big issue as Sam has already created music to accompany the footage, but we had not uploaded it in time for the rough cut. However, it may need to be made longer to make it last for the desired amount of time. In response to the feedback, we may also add various diagetic sounds to our sequence. For example, a police siren in the background whilst the victim is walking to suggest danger.
- Relevance of newspaper articles. This is not a major issue as we will only be flashing up the images of the newspaper for a split second once we have finished editing. As we had kept some raw footage aside at the end of the sequence for future editing the newspaper articles were legible. Once we have finished editing they will not be clear, and only cast the impression of an article. However, this feedback is still useful, as we now know that we cannot show newspaper articles for longer than half a second.
- Not understanding much of the footage. This is probably due to the fact we have not finished editing yet. Only the first minute of footage was in its final order and edited. The last 3/4 minutes was compromised of raw, unedited, unordered footage which will not feature in the final cut.
Our peers did like:
- Our range of camera shots and angles. People thought that these added to the atmosphere and made the sequence more enjoyable to watch. This is useful feedback as we had been considering refilming certain shots. However, because of this feedback we no longer feel this to be necessary.
- Acting during the first 2-3 minutes.
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