- A decrease in the duration of shots as the scene progresses. This increases the pace of events, and creates a sense if apprehension within the viewer.
- We also noticed that clothing can play an important part when introducing characters. For example, a man in a suit will seem less relaxed than a man in shirt and jeans.

No Country For Old Men
- Heavy, dramatic music is excellent at creating a cinematic atmosphere, which helps to draw the viewer into the film.
- A variation of shots depicting a single event. For example, in this film when the Policeman is being strangled there are numerous shots showing different angles.
- Filming the same scene numerous times can makes editing easier, and give more options to the people editing.

- Soundtrack again plays an important role - the subtleness of the music can greatly affect the impression given to the viewer. When we create our sequence high pitched sounds may be more effective at creating suspense.